Habs Soil Pittsburgh’s New Pen

Sid ‘ The Crybaby’ Kid will probably be looking for a new mattress after the Montreal Canadiens joined him and his teammates for a play date last Saturday night.

After two periods of solid play – off caliber hockey, Crosby’s true ‘Yellow and Black’ colors rose to the surface. Carey Price made a remarkable save off of Crosby and with no clear indiction that the puck came close to the goal line – Crosby’ s arms elevated above his head in a clear attempt to pursuade the referee that a goal had indeed been scored. Replays showed the exact opposite and when the referee demonstrated his agreement with the cameras, Sid commenced an argument, albeit brief, showing again a lack of maturity for a player of his caliber.

Teammates Tired of Crosby

Normally, a captain arguing a point would instill fire and passion into his mates and that would elevate their play into another dimension. A dimension which by all accounts normally inspires a goal or at the very least, a five minute flurry of non stop pressure. When Sid attempted to alter the mind of the referee, it brought nothing to the hearts of his fellow skaters. In fact – it appeared to do the opposite as Carey Price and his fellow Habs, upped their energy and played an inspiring fifteen minutes of hockey at both ends of the ice. Habs fans know this conundrum very well in their dealings with Claude Lemieux.

Lemieux and his team would excel at first with Claude s antics whether it be a verbal assault on the referee or one of Lemieux s famous dives. Once the referees grew tired then his teammates were quick to gather behind Lemieux and force a verdict in their favour. Then something funny happened on the way to the Forum …

Lemieux pulled one of his dives and coach Pat Burns decided that enough was enough and held the trainer at the bench leaving Lemieux to writhe all alone on the ice. After several painstaking moments, Claude realized that the only person in the world that believed him was his Mom. Because she was not allowed onto the ice – Claude bashfully rose and slowly headed to the bench. That was the beginning of the end for Claude in a Habs uniform and within weeks, Lemieux was traded away.

The Penguins, rather Mario Lemieux , will never trade Crosby but if the pattern continues – one by one the other players on the team will ask for a way out. The hockey world – with the exception of broadcasters, Gary Bettman and whoever else cashes Crosby cheques, are growing just as tired with Crosby ‘ s antics as did Lemieux ‘s teammates back in the eighties with Montreal. Grow up Sid and play hockey like a Canadian, you are embarrassing us regardless of your Gold medal.

Price on Fire

Carey Price played the entire Pittsburgh game like a goalie would for the Columbus Blue Jackets. Stress free.

This is what Habs fans can look forward to if they leave the guy alone.Martin Brodeur s GAA after a couple of games is almost 6.00. If that was Mr. Price, the Habs faithful would have Bikers waiting for him at the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Airport. When he landed – they would snatch him up and either place him right back on a plane to B.C or worse, send him to Parti Quebecois headquarters and teach him French. Then he would be in big trouble. Not only would he have to stop pucks but he would also be the Captain of the Habs. That ll teach him.

Price made 36 stops in the game and from the second period onward – he was the sole reason that Cammalleri and Gomez were given the opportunities to tie and win a game that should have been a tie. Price was that good. Note to Habs fans ; do not boo Price until he wins two Stanley Cups. Then like Roy before, by all means run the sucker out of town.

The Habs had two days off for Thanksgiving and some of their prayers were answered as Roman Hamrlik is deemed fit and ready to go for Wednesday s match against the Flying Frenchmen from Tampa Bay.

Tampa has more French citizens per capita both on and off the ice than the entire country of France and at least half of Rue Ste Catherine in downtown Montreal.Guy Boucher, the former coach of Montreal s farm team, the Hamilton Bulldogs, along with his entire coaching staff , bring along Lecavalier, St.Louis and Simon Gagne to their natural habitat and Province. Add to the mix former skaters Dominic Moore, Brett Clark and Dan Ellis – the Lightning have more former Habs than a brasserie in the east end during the late seventies.

Flying Frenchmen of Tampa

Boucher has coached nine skaters on the Habs which gives him and his staff insider s knowledge. If tomorrow night s game was a horse race then racketeering would be the post game favourite for a win. If  Tampa s big guns are firing on high octane and Boucher s troups are able to keep the Habs in check  –  Price will have to make sure that his performance is above par.

Look for P.K Subban to excel against his former coach. P.K , in his short career thus far, appears to relish the rush of big games and should give Lecavalier enough reason to rethink his decision  to stay in Tampa. Spacek will return to his normal self assured position as his partner Hamrlik regains his post to Jaroslav s right. Alex Picard will s find himself atop the rafters of the Bell Center due to his minus performance so far and his lack of size.

Game Time is 7 30 pm once  the ceremonies to open the 2010 – 11 campaign are over with.